Hello! and Welcome! to my page
Since I'm just starting out with this new blog, my first post is all about how will you and I see this blog in the next days, weeks, month - in short, FUTURE.
Before anything else, I want to share to you my vision for this blog. This page will contain posts not just about myself or my experiences but it will also serve as as page for features about different stuff that I want to share. Basically the header of this blog explains what certain things that will be posted here.
- First off, I will share things about TECH and GADGETS. This tag will include features of new gadgets, trends about technology, and my own personal encounters regarding the said topic. Tutorials - about game strategies, software installing, and how-to-guides - will also be in this part.
- The next thing that I want to share is all about the NEWS and SOCIAL NET. Posts included here will show anything that goes around the real world and the world of internet - whether it is a news from some social net sites and even the most common Hooya! site - that catches my attention. Of course, my personal view about the news will be shared as well (EARLY WARNING: Don't hate me if I posted something that opposes your own thought, I have my brain which construct my opinions, which means I am just a medium for my brain :p)
- Third topic that I would like to share is all about ART and STYLE. As the name implies, this will be about ART and STYLE (did I just repeat those?! haha). Artists and artworks will be featured here showing my personal pick on their works :)) And of course, my own sweat releasing work of art will definitely be shown here.
- The fourth one will be about SONGS and MUSIC. This topic will showcase Singer and Recording Artist that made a stellar music scene in my head. Old and New songs will also be posted here PLUS! I can also record a song for you by request. Haha Just kidding! Music Shows and Talent Search is also included in this topic.
- Lastly, I will be featuring things about HEALTH and LIFESTYLE. As a student in medical field, I feel that I should share something about my expertise. The most common health questions will be posted here as well as some of my previously learned lectures for others to use it as a not so credible reference (rofl). New trends about health, wellness, food and medicine will definitely be included here.
About the the credibility issue, I will assure you that as far as I can, I will cite every source that I will be using on this blog. For my opinions, I believe that I don't need to address myself as my own reference :)) And now that I have already shared to you my plans, this will be the end for today :D Till then~
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